

Physics is an important subject to understand concepts of engineering and technology. At IIE, Physics Lab is well equipped with latest devices and instruments. The lab has set up for 20 experiments. The experiments in course of practical physics are designed to achieve definite quantitative results.

A laboratory experiment offers an opportunity to the students to familiarize themselves with various instruments, which they read in theory and this finds application in industry, engineering and everyday life. Physics experiments help the students in understanding the nature of science

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Quality teaching through experienced faculty with well equipped laboratory Initiate self learning in laboratory classes.Organize periodical seminar to create awareness of the latest trends in science and technology.


Provide solid foundation in the fundamental of physics to students. Prepare students for higher level learning in engineering and technology.

Laboratory Facilities:

  • The laboratory is equipped with the latest instruments and peripherals. Apart from the basic experiments, Engineering Physics Lab has a separate Darkroom for performing optics related experiments.
  • The laboratory is spacious enough to accommodate more than 40 students to do Practicals at a stretch.
  • The laboratory is left open for the students with additional facilities to carry out innovative project work apart from regular practical classes.