Water resource engineering solves the problems of moving water to where humans or nature need or want it. Water resource engineers design dams, canals, aqueducts, and waterways to bring water to urban populations or agricultural areas. They also design the catchments, arroyos, and other structures needed to keep society safe from floods. Water resource engineers are the experts that understand the hydrologic cycle, hydrology, hydraulics, groundwater flow patterns, and other aspects of water needed to bring water to and from where it is needed most.
On completion of the course, the students will be able to:
- Delineate the watershed of any reservoir using DEM.
- Determine the average rainfall over a catchment.
- Use raingauge properly for a specified purpose.
- Measure the rate of infiltration of water through the soil.
- Measure the sunshine hours in a particular day.
Experiment 1 : Catchment area delineation (Manually and using DEM)
Experiment 2 : Calculation of average rainfall over a catchment area with arithmetic mean method, Thiessen polygon method and Isohyetal Method.
Experiment 3 : Measurement of Rainfall by non –recording rain gauge.
Experiment 4 : Measurement of rainfall by recording rain gauge
Experiment 5 : Measurement of infiltration rate using double ring infiltrometer.
Experiment 6 : Measurement of evaporation using evaporimeter.
Experiment 7 : Measurement of bright sunshine hours using sunshine recorder.
Experiment 8 : Channel Routing of Flood by Muskinghum method.
Experiment 9 : Reservoir Routing of |Flood by Modified Pul’s Method.
Experiment 10 : Application of Log Pearson Type III distribution for prediction of extreme flood value
Experiment 11 : Application of Gumbel’s distribution for prediction of extreme flood value