Fluid mechanics is the study of fluids, how they move, how they mix, how they interact with the material containing them, and how they affect human civilization. For a civil engineer fluid mechanics covers a wide variety of problems that practising civil engineers must understand and solve.

Fluid mechanics is an interdisciplinary subject that brings together experts in such diverse areas as physics, geology, geography, mathematics, ecology, biology, chemical engineering and mechanical engineering. It is a subject that provides a fascinating set of challenges to the researcher and practising engineer alike.

In the Fluid Mechanics lab, test on Fluid is performed such as:-

1) Determination of Orifice co-efficient
2) Calibration of Orifice meter
3) Calibration of V- Notch
4) Measurement of velocity of water in an open channel using a pitot tube
5) Measurement of water surface profile for flow over Broad crested weir
6) Preparation of discharge rating curve for a sluice
7) Measurement of water surface profile for a hydraulic jump
8) Determination of efficiency of a Centrifugal pump
9) Determination of efficiency of a Reciprocating pump
10) Determination of efficiency of a Pelton wheel Turbine
11) Determination of efficiency of a Francis Turbine
12) Determination of efficiency of a Hydraulic Ram