Basic Computation Lab
Basic Computation & Principles of Computer Programming is one of the basics of learning a computer language as it teaches the students the very first steps in becoming a proper programmer. This introduces students to the art of computational problem solving using C and its libraries. It provides students with skills that will enable them to make productive use of computational techniques, including some of the tools and techniques of “data science” for using the concept of basic computation to model and interpret data.
This course has been adjusted for the students to learn the basic languages properly and execute simple and/ or complex problems using those languages. As the first step, the language generally taught is C which is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language.
- Hardware:
- CPU: Pentium Dual Core E5400 @2.70GHz
- RAM: DDR3 2 GB
- OS: Windows 7 Ultimate (32 Bit)
- HDD: 320 GB
- Software:
- C++ Builder IDE (Integrated Development Environment) vXE7 (21)
Industrial Prospect:
The aspect of basic computation is often used for “system programming”, including:
- Implementing operating systems and embedded system applications
- Combine desirable characteristics such as code portability and efficiency
- Access specific hardware addresses, externally impose data access without taxing too much on resources.
Some reasons for choosing C over interpreted languages are its speed, stability, and near-universal availability which offer more than most other languages. One reason of C’s wide availability and efficiency is that compilers, libraries, and interpreters of other programming languages are often implemented in C which also makes it very versatile and easy to use.
Due to its thin layer of abstraction and low overhead, C allows efficient implementations of algorithms and data structures, which is useful for programs that perform a lot of computations. C has also been widely used to implement end-user applications, but much of that development has shifted to newer languages.