Communication has been one of the deepest needs of the human race throughout recorded history. It is essential to forming social unions, to educating the young, and to expressing a myriad of emotions and needs. One could view the smoke signals and drum rolls of primitive societies as being technological aids to communication, but communication technology as we view it today became important with telegraphy, then telephony, then video, then computer communication, and today the amazing mixture of all of these in inexpensive, small portable devices. Increasing demand for traditional services (principally analogue voice communications)
has been an important factor in the development of telecommunications technologies. Such developments, combined with more general advances in electronics and computing, have made possible the provision of entirely new (mainly digitally based) communications services. Most modern telecommunications systems are digital and use some form of PCM irrespective of the origin of the information they convey.
The aim of this lab is to supplement the theory course (Digital Communication) & to assist the students in obtaining a better understanding of the operation of digital modulation schemes. This laboratory provide experience in analyzing and test of digital communication systems using simulation software as well as lab instruments. The prime goal of this lab-
- To understand basic theories of digital communication system.
- To compute the bandwidth and transmission power by analyzing time and frequency domain spectra of signal required under various modulation schemes.
- To apply suitable modulation schemes and coding for various applications.
- To identify and describe different techniques of modern digital communications, in particular in source coding, modulation and detection, carrier modulation, and channel coding.
- To analyze digital modulation techniques by using signal processing tools.
List of Major Experiments:
- Familiarizations with some Digital modulation techniques like ASK, FSK, PSK
- Studies on Delta modulator & Demodulator using trainer kits
- Verification of Sampling theorem and study of Pulse amplitude modulation
- To understand the digital to Analog and Analog to Digital conversion.
- To generate the PN sequence using discrete component.
- Studies of PCM transmitter and receiver.
- Study of Pulse Width and Pulse Position Modulation Technique
- Study of line coders
- Studies on Adaptive delta modulation using trainer kits
- Simulation of ASK, FSK technique using MATLAB
- Study the SIMULINK Model of QPSK technique and finding BER
Major Equipments:
- Cathode Ray Oscilloscope-30 MHz (APLAB)
- Digital Storage Oscilloscope (TEKTRONIX TPS2024)
- Function Generator (SCIENTIFIC)
- Amplitude Shift Keying Trainer (MICROTECH INDUSTRIES)
- Frequency Shift Keying Trainer (MICROTECH INDUSTRIES)
- Spectrum Analyzer (TEKTRONIX RSA306)
- Analog and Digital Experiment Platform (SCIENTECH ST 2613)
- Various Power supplies (DC and AC)
- Distortion Analyzer (TEKTRONIX AA501A)
- Digital Multimeter (METRAVI)
- Pulse Amplitude Modulation Trainer (MICROTECH INDUSTRIES)
- PN sequence Generator Trainer (MICROTECH INDUSTRIES)